Motivation ========== One important issue that beomes evident if you is use the Pandas Dataframe very often is that, while it's a terrific class for data analysis, it's that it's not a very good container for data. This notebook is a short explanation on why one may want to reduce an hypothetical intensive use of the Pandas Dataframe and to explore some other solutions. None of this is a criticism about Pandas. It is a game changer, and I am a strong advocate for its use. It's just that we hit one of its limitations. Some simple operations just have too much overhead. To be more precise, let's start by importing Pandas .. code:: python import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.DataFrame({'a': np.arange(1E6), 'b': np.arange(1E6)}) We have just created a relatively large dataframe with some dummy data, enough to prove my initial point. Let's see how much time it takes to add the two columns and to insert the result into the third one. .. code:: python %%timeit df.c = df.a + df.b .. parsed-literal:: 3.01 ms ± 20.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) Is that fast or slow? Well, let's try to make the very same computation in a slightly different manner .. code:: python a = df.a.values b = df.b.values .. code:: python %%timeit c = a + b .. parsed-literal:: 2.86 ms ± 12.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) If we compare how fast it is to a simple sum of two numpy arrays, it is pretty fast. But we are adding two relatively large arrays. Let's try the exact same thing with smaller arrays. .. code:: python df = pd.DataFrame({'a': np.arange(100), 'b': np.arange(100)}) .. code:: python %%timeit df.c = df.a + df.b .. parsed-literal:: 95.5 µs ± 114 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) .. code:: python a = df.a.values b = df.b.values .. code:: python %%timeit c = a + b .. parsed-literal:: 599 ns ± 3.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each) Now things have changed quite a lot. Just adding two arrays takes two orders of magnitude less than adding from the Pandas Dataframe. But this comparison is not fare at all. Those 145µs are not spent waiting. Pandas does lots of things with the value of the Series resulting from the sum before it inserts it to the dataframe. If we profile the execution of that simple sum, we'll see that almost a fifth of the time is spent on a function called ``_sanitize_array``. .. image:: _static/snakeviz_add.png The most important characteristic of Pandas is that it always does what it is supposed to do with data regardless of how dirty, heterogeneous, sparse (you name it) your data is. And it does an amazing job with that. But the price we have to pay are those two orders of magnitude in time. That is exactly what impacted the performance of our last project. The Dataframe is a very convenient container because it always does something that makes sense, therefore you have to code very little. For instance, take the ``join`` method of a dataframe. It does just what it has to do, and it is definitely not trivial. Unfortunately, that overhead is too much for some use cases. We are in the typical situation where abstractions are not for free. The higher the level, the slower the computation. This is a kind of a *second law of Thermodynamics* applied to numerical computing. And there are abstractions that are tremendously useful. A Dataframe is not a dictionary of arrays. It can be indexed by row and by column, and it can operate as a whole, and on any imaginable portion of it. It can sort, group, joing, merge... You name it. But if you want to compute the payment schedule of all the securities of an entire bank, you may need thousands of processors to have it done in less than six hours. This is where I started thinking. There must be something in between. Something that is fast, but it's not just a dictionary of numpy arrays. And I started designing gtable .. code:: python from gtable import Table tb = Table({'a': np.arange(1E6), 'b': np.arange(1E6)}) .. code:: python %%timeit tb.c = tb.a + tb.b .. parsed-literal:: 3.16 ms ± 11.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) You can see that for large arrays, the computation time shadows the overhead. Let's see how well it does with smaller arrays .. code:: python tb = Table({'a': np.arange(100), 'b': np.arange(100)}) .. code:: python %%timeit tb.c = tb.a + tb.b .. parsed-literal:: 8.51 µs ± 437 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each) We have improved by a factor of 10, which is crucial if that's the difference between running in one or ten servers. We can still improve the computation by a little bit more if we fallback into some kind of *I know what I am doing* mode, and we want to reuse memory to avoid allocations: .. code:: python %%timeit tb['a'] = tb['a'] + tb['b'] .. parsed-literal:: 2.17 µs ± 117 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each) Now the performance of arithmetic operations with gtable is closer to operate with plain arrays to the overhead-driven performance of Pandas. You can seriously break the table if you really don't know what you are doing. But for obvious reasons, having this kind of performance tricks is sometimes neessary. Of course, these speedups come at a cost: features. Gtable is in its infancy. It is a small module that one can hack easily. It is pure python, and I have not started to seriously tune its performance. But the idea of having something inbetween a Dataframe and a dictionary of arrays with support for sparse information is appealing to say the list.