Source code for gtable.column

import numpy as np
import operator
from gtable.lib import fillna_column
from import apply_fast_add, apply_fast_mul, apply_fast_truediv, \
    apply_fast_sub, apply_fast_floordiv, apply_fast_and, apply_fast_or, \
    apply_fast_xor, apply_fast_pow, apply_fast_mod, apply_fast_ge, \
    apply_fast_gt, apply_fast_le, apply_fast_lt, apply_fast_eq, apply_fast_ne, \
    apply_mask_column, reindex_column

[docs]class Column: """ Indexed column view of the table """ def __init__(self, values, index): self.values = values self.index = index def __repr__(self): return "<Column[ {} ] object at {}>".format(self.values.dtype, hex(id(self))) def __add__(self, y): return apply_add(self, y) def __radd__(self, y): return apply_add(self, y) def __sub__(self, y): return apply_truediv(self, y) def __rsub__(self, y): return apply_truediv(self, y) def __mul__(self, y): return apply_mul(self, y) def __rmul__(self, y): return apply_mul(self, y) def __truediv__(self, y): return apply_truediv(self, y) def __rtruediv__(self, y): return apply_truediv(self, y) def __floordiv__(self, y): return apply_floordiv(self, y) def __rfloordiv__(self, y): return apply_floordiv(self, y) def __pow__(self, y): return apply_pow(self, y) def __mod__(self, y): return apply_mod(self, y) def __lt__(self, y): return apply_lt(self, y) def __le__(self, y): return apply_le(self, y) def __gt__(self, y): return apply_gt(self, y) def __ge__(self, y): return apply_ge(self, y) def __eq__(self, y): return apply_eq(self, y) def __ne__(self, y): return apply_ne(self, y) def __and__(self, y): return apply_and(self, y) def __or__(self, y): return apply_or(self, y) def __xor__(self, y): return apply_xor(self, y) def __neg__(self): return Column(-self.values, self.index) def __getitem__(self, i): # TODO: This algorithm makes getitem O(N) if self.index[i]: return self.values[int(self.index[:i+1].sum()) - 1] else: return None def __len__(self): return len(self.index)
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the column""" return Column(self.values[:], self.index[:])
[docs] def astype(self, dtype): """Changes the (numpy) datatype of the values""" self.values[:] = self.values.astype(dtype)
@property def dtype(self): """Returns the datatype of the column""" return self.values.dtype
[docs] def fillna(self, reverse=False, fillvalue=None): """ Fills the non available value sequentially with the previous available position. Operates inplace. """ self.values, self.index = fillna_column(self.values, self.index, reverse, fillvalue)
[docs] def fill(self, fillvalue): """ Fills the N/A values of the column with the fillvalue :param fillvalue: :return: """ new_values = np.empty(len(self.index), dtype=self.values.dtype) bool_index = self.index.astype(np.bool_) if np.any(bool_index): new_values[bool_index] = self.values new_values[~bool_index] = fillvalue self.values = new_values self.index = np.ones(len(self.index))
[docs] def reorder(self, order): """ Reorder the column inplace :param order: :return: """ self.values[:] = self.values[(np.cumsum(self.index) - np.array(1) )[order[self.index.astype(np.bool)]]] self.index[:] = self.index[order]
[docs] def mask(self, mask): """ Apply mask on data to the data and the index out of place :param mask: :return: """ return Column(*apply_mask_column(self.values, self.index, mask))
[docs] def reindex(self, index): """ Reindex according to a global index :param index: :return: """ return Column(*reindex_column(self.values, self.index, index))
[docs] def date_range(self, fr='1970-01-01', to='2262-01-01', include_fr=True, include_to=True): """ Filter a column by date range. :param fr: :param to: :param include_fr: :param include_to: :return: """ if isinstance(self.values.dtype, np.datetime64): print(self.values.dtype) raise ValueError("Method valid only with dates") if type(fr) == str: fr = np.datetime64(fr) if type(to) == str: to = np.datetime64(to) if include_fr: before = self.values >= fr else: before = self.values > fr if include_to: after = self.values <= to else: after = self.values < to return Column(before & after, self.index)
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ True if the column is empty :return: """ return self.values.shape == (0,)
[docs] def is_sorted(self): """ True if the column is sorted :return: """ return np.sort(self.values) == self.values
[docs] def contains(self, item): """ Returns a column with the value of the column present in item. :param item: :return: """ if isinstance(item, np.ndarray): return Column(np.in1d(self.values, item), self.index) elif type(item) == Column: return Column(np.in1d(self.values, item.values), self.index) else: raise ValueError('Argument must be an array or a column.')
def apply_add(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_add(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.add(left.values, right), left.index) def apply_sub(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_sub(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.sub(left.values, right), left.index) def apply_mul(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_mul(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.mul(left.values, right), left.index) def apply_truediv(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_truediv(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.truediv(left.values, right), left.index) def apply_floordiv(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_floordiv(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.floordiv(left.values, right), left.index) def apply_pow(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_pow(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.pow(left.values, right), left.index) def apply_mod(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_mod(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.mod(left.values, right), left.index) def apply_gt(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_gt(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(, right), left.index) def apply_ge(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_ge(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(, right), left.index) def apply_lt(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_lt(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(, right), left.index) def apply_le(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_le(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.le(left.values, right), left.index) def apply_and(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_and(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.and_(left.values.astype(np.bool), right), left.index) def apply_or(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_or(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.or_(left.values.astype(np.bool), right), left.index) def apply_xor(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_xor(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.xor(left.values.astype(np.bool), right), left.index) def apply_eq(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_eq(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(operator.eq(left.values, right), left.index) def apply_ne(left: Column, right): if type(right) == Column: result, index = apply_fast_ne(left.values, right.values, left.index, right.index) return Column(result, index) else: return Column(, right), left.index)